Friday, 4 January 2013

Second Semester Goals

After making it halfway through my freshman year, I realized that I definitely need to make some changes in my university life! Here are a few common things that appear on university students' new years resolutions lists:

1. Maybe It's Time To Actually Show Up To Class...
While this wasn't a problem for me last semester, I do know a lot of people that got in the habit of not going to class. Obviously, you might not be able to make it to every single class all year, I mean, us university students are busy people with all of our sleeping and eating and partying and the occasional paper to do. With that being said, it's important to actually attend that lecture that is probably costing you over $1,000 in total. So remember to set that alarm clock, and drag yourself out of bed at 9 AM and get to your lecture or seminar or tutorial or whatever it is that you should be at. Lets start the semester off right, okay?

2. Start Assignments On Time!
Yes, I know it's hard to fit time into your day to get your assignments done - but they are things that need to be finished! Before you get to university or college, everyone tells you "Make sure to start assignments early!" we all know that failed even before our first week of school was done. While it's not probable that starting them early is going to happen, at least make sure to start them on time. We've all been there, the rush to finish the paper that's due the next day - or technically the same day if you've been up until 3 am working on an assignment that's technically due in 6 hours... Anyways, start your assignments so you have enough time to finish them, so you're not running to class because you just finished.

3. Please, for the sake of everyone that can smell you - DO YOUR LAUNDRY
If you're living in residence or even off campus by yourself, you've had the big responsibility burdened upon yourself to do your own laundry. While in theory it sounds like a very simple task, sometimes it can get pushed to the back of our own minds, yet pushed on everyone else's nose. So please, let us all make a conscious effort to do our laundry more regularly. If you are doing the sniff test on something (which I am guilty of myself) then that's a pretty good indicator that you should wash said article of clothing. If you cannot remember the last time that you did laundry, then again, you should probably haul your butt to the laundry room and wash those clothes! And just a reminder, don't forget the soap and fabric softener...

4. Get Organized
After going through about 4 months of school already, I can definitely tell you that this is harder than it seems. The second week of school I had all of my notes and readings printed out and places in the appropriate binder all ready for when I needed it... Then it go to exam time, which is when I went to retrieve said binders. Well that was a disaster. Papers were everywhere, I was missing notes for classes, and those binders that I was so proud of were sitting collecting dust. Second semester the goal is to not only continue to use that giant wall calendar I had purchased, (Which was actually useful! If you don't have one already, I recommend getting one) but to also keep track of all of my various papers. Lets all make a conscious effort to keep our stuff together so we don't have to go hunting under our beds for those lecture notes that you 'just misplaced'.

5. Getting Healthier/Eating Better/Hitting the Gym
Yep, here comes the typical post for all of you who are determined to become gym rats for this upcoming semester or term. We all know that most of you won't make it past the 3rd week of this new goal, so don't even pretend. Instead of setting outrageous goals for yourself, take it one step at a time. Whether this means going for a jog around the track or campus once a week, or just making an effort to choose healthier choices when eating at the cafeteria, if you are determined, you can meet your goal!

Personally some of my 'goals' for the new term are (I refuse to call them new years resolutions because I think the whole idea of that is complete BS):
- Doing the readings for lecture (I have some of my textbooks that I still haven't even opened yet because I never did the lecture readings)
- Look decent at least once a week (while I wouldn't go as far to call myself a complete slob, I know that I could definitely be looking better)
- Find an awesome house to live in for second year
- Volunteer more
- Have an amazing second half of the year

Feel free to share your goals for the new year in the comments, or send in some suggestions for posts that you would like to see!

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