Friday, 25 January 2013

Healthier Cafeteria Choices

Eating healthy at the cafeteria is hard. Really hard. With so many choices, it really seems easier usually go grab a burger and fries rather than actually thinking about what would be better. After coming home for the weekend today, it was not so subtly pointed out that it appears that I've gained a lot of weight (always what you want to hear...) so I think I'm going to try and be a bit healthier from now on.
Now, I'm not saying I'm going to be eating vegetables for all meals everyday, because I know that personally, I just can't do that. But I'm going to try and put a bit more thought about what I'm putting into my body.
Here's a few healthier choices that I've come up with:

Instead of... A BURGER
A grilled chicken breast on a bun is just a variation of a burger, but a healthier choice. You can still put all your favourite toppings on top (or you can be old school like me and just use ketchup) but instead of having the greasy-ness of the burger, it's just a piece of chicken.

Instead of... PASTA
At my university, there's a whole stir fry station in one of our cafeterias - and it's a huge hit. You can choose what vegetables to put on it, and if you want noodles or rice. It's not extremely healthy, but it's a better choice compared to a pasta dish with alfredo sauce.

Instead of... PIZZA
Sandwiches are super easy, and you can make them to suit your taste buds. Pile it up with your fave toppings, add your cheese in there, and some places will even grill it for you! At my cafeteria we have a choice of about 8 different breads, even a spinach wrap! Play around with different toppings until you determine what you like best.

Instead of... POP
Smoothies are yummy and refreshing, and will have natural sugars in them rather than the artificial ones that are put into things like Coke and Pepsi. Not only is it a great drink, but you are getting some of your daily doses of fruit too. A smoothie will be a lot more filling if you happened to be in a hurry and have to miss lunch, and you can try different combinations of fruits.

Instead of... PIECE OF CAKE
At the beginning of the year, the mentor for my floor told us that if we wanted to avoid getting the freshman 15, then don't get a dessert after every meal. Personally I tend to avoid the desserts at the cafeteria because a lot of them have nuts, which I don't like. But I know a lot of people that usually get a few a week. Instead of going for the piece of cake or that brownie, maybe try getting a fruit cup instead!

Now this is one that I personally struggle with because my cafeteria makes the best breakfast sandwiches ever. But instead of that, you can go for a bowl of cereal (hopefully not the one with the most sugar) and some milk. A good one to try is Special K! It's like Rice Krispies for adults, and while it's a healthier alternative, it doesn't taste like complete crap. (Just make sure that it's not expired... Last week I identically bought a expired multi-pack of cereal from the cafeteria...)

Instead of... FRIES
Try... SALAD
If you just want something quick to eat in your hour break in between classes, try grabbing a salad instead of a plate of fries! If you're looking for something more filling, you can try a chicken ceasar salad which can work for lunch or dinner! My school has a grilled salad station so you can get chicken ceasar salad, apple pecan salad, and cobb salads.

Remember guys, the goal isn't to necessarily lose weight, but to try to become healthier and more aware of what is going into our bodies! Just keep that in mind, and you'll be fine :)

*If you ever have a topic or subject that you want me to write about, just leave a comment and I'll be sure to write something up for you!

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