Monday, 7 January 2013

Getting Back Into Routine

Welcome back, students! It's time to get back into the groove of things and actually start hitting the books again for the new semester/term! Now it's time to put your last term behind you (and those exam marks... what's in the past should stay there) and start fresh! After being off of school for almost 2 weeks, I'm finding it a bit hard to get back into routine again. Here are some things that could help you start acting like the star student we know you are!

Set Up Your Calendar
I have a really big wall calendar in my room, and it's really helpful! If you have one of these, or even just a normal calendar (Because seriously, how many people got calendars for Christmas?) fill it out and put your schedule on it! Today I woke up and couldn't even remember what classes I had and when... Let's not miss the first class of the new year, shall we?

Check Your Meal Plan
If you're on a meal plan, then now is a good time to check how much money you have left - you could be surprised! In my case, I have an extra $300 at the moment on mine... But there are the people that are about $500 over their budget! So, check to make sure you're on the right track so you don't have the awkward moment when you go to buy an apply and you don't even have enough for that. We really don't want that to happen.

Check Ahead
If your syllabus' are posted online, give them a look to make sure you don't have anything to do in the near future... If you do happen to have an assignment due at the end of the week well, 1. not cool on your prof's side for making an assignment due so soon and 2. you better hope that you have money on your meal plan because you might need 5 cups of coffee to help for this one. If you plan ahead, you're less likely to forget about important dates and assignments! Hopefully this year we'll all keep up with our assignments and endless readings.

Plan To Go To Class With Friends
Plan to meet up with some friends in your class, that way you're more inclined to go! ...Especially if one of those people happen to be that cute guy/girl from your science class! Going to class is always a good start, and if there's a group of you all heading to class then you probably won't skip.

Get Some Sleep
It's probably not a good thing to hit the parties your first night back - especially if you have class tomorrow morning. Let yourself as well as your bodies adjust to school life again, then you can have your fun! Sleep is important. There's always those people that are so sure they can run on 10 hours of sleep... 10 hours for the whole week, that is. Then it all backfires when you see them knocked out in seminar whilst drooling on themselves... that's attractive. Moral of the story? If you don't want to be the person curled up in the corner of the library, get some sleep! While the whole 8 hours a night thing might not be working out for you, try to get as much sleep as you can - no one want's a cranky student!

Hopefully these will help you get back into shape for school... Good luck for all of you that are back at school, and have a great year! :)

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