Monday, 18 February 2013

Choosing A Major

While this topic might not seem very relevant to people who are currently in college/university already, it actually could be! You might think that the people who are entering school next year only have to deal with this, but it's a concern that people presently enrolled have to worry about as well. People do switch majors, it happens! Let me just get this out there, I think it's complete BS that we have to plan our lives at 16/17/18. When I was applying for university, I was only 16, yet trying to plan the rest of my life. For most of our lives, we're told to act like adults - yet we're never given the chance... until you have the decision to choose your major. Anyway, here are some tips for trying to figure out what you want to take!

You Can Switch Your Major
During the application process, yes, you are asked to apply to specific programs. Does this mean that you have to stick to that decision 100%? NOPE. A lot of people change majors - it's nothing to be ashamed of. If you get through your first year and realize that you've made a huge mistake, don't freak out too much! You can always talk to an academic adviser and get their help in deciding what you can do for the future. With that being said, just make sure to not make a decision too quick. I'll be honest, for the most part, first year courses suck majorly. They're very broad and all over the place and aren't specialized at all. That stuff comes usually in years 3 and 4. So if you're concerned about your major, but still interested in it, just keep in mind that it could get better.

You Can Choose A Double Major or Minor
A lot of people struggle with choosing between two different programs. If you find two programs that you absolutely LOVE, then look into doing either a double major or minor. A lot of times you can't add a minor until at least your second year, so you have time to look into different possibilities. Just keep in mind when picking courses for first year what courses you might need to take second year for your minor - pay attention to prerequisites. 

Listen To Your Heart
Unless you have a crazy supportive family, then you'll probably have people trying to tell you what to go to school for. When I told my dad that I was going to major in psychology, he got really mad. When I told a family friend, I got the reaction "ARE YOU CRAZY?". I know how hard it is to go against what my parents wanted. (well, parent... my mom was supportive and just wanted me to be happy) Don't choose a program because that's what's expected of you. Do what YOU want. This is your life, and you're the one that's going to have to live with the decision. Really, you're going to be tens of thousands of dollars in debt - wouldn't it be better to love your degree than to spend all that time and money and hate it? University/college is the time to find who you are, maybe it's time to start with choosing what to go for.

Think About Future Job Opportunities
I'll be honest with you, some degrees are kind of useless. While I definitely want you to follow your heart and do what you want to do, I think it's also practical to think about the future, and what you're going to end up doing what the degree. 

Your Major Isn't Your Career
When picking a major, keep in mind that just because you pick a certain major, it doesn't mean that it's going to end up being your specific career. Take psychology for example. The first thing you think is a psychologist, but that's no necessarily true! While that is a choice, there are so many more... A social worker, a teacher, a counselor, working in a R&D department - and so many more. Just make sure to keep in mind that the possibilities are quiet endless, you never know where your degree will take you!

Good luck in choosing your major!
If you ever need some help with figuring out what you want to do, talking to the student services or academic advisers at your school can help!
Or, if you want to send me a message, maybe I can help you figure out some things... I've been through it before! :)

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