Monday 25 February 2013

Accepting Your Offer

Hey guys! This post is going to look a little but different than the others, I'm writing it on my iPad before my dance class... So just a little heads up!

Accepting your offer is a big deal, you've gone through all the hard work of deciding where to apply, and them you actually apply. Here in Ontario, you get to apply to 3 colleges or universities, and then the end when you accept one, it automatically rejects all your other offers.

Here are some tips to ultimately choosing which school is right for you:

Don't choose just based on looks
Take academics into consideration, a school might have the best campus ever, but if it doesn't have the program that you're in love with, maybe think about your other options.

Don't choose just based on academics
On the other hand, you're going to be at your school for around 4 years, so you are going to want to love the campus. You can have a school with great academics, but if the campus is hard to get to, spread out, or just isn't right for you, consider your other schools.

Take a tour
One thing that I highly suggest is taking a tour of the school that you were accepted to. This is a great way to not only get to know the campus, but learn about the school. Tours enable you to get your questions answered by a real person, not just an FAQ page. Also, tour guide will bring up concepts that you didn't think of to ask about. Also, sometimes the schools will give your free promotional material - when I visited my school they gave out m&ms with the schools name on them... Always a plus!

Don't choose a school just because your friend is going there
If you're going to be going to a school for 4 years, you're going to want to make sure that YOU'RE happy, not your friend. You will make new friends, and You will have the opportunity to keep your old ones... So you don't necessarily need to go to the same school as them.

Read the instructions on what to do
If there are words, read them because they could possibly be important. You don't want to end up not going to your top choice just because you didn't accept their offer properly!

Consider scholarships
Each school will have different amounts of scholarships that the will offer you. If money is a big factor to you, you can see if schools will give you counter offers. Also keep in mind that your scholarship could possibly go up or down by the end of the year. In my case, my top school was offering me $1000, but by the end if the year I had bumped up my average to a 90, so I ended u getting a iPad and a $2000 scholarship!

Think about where you're going to live
Is the school close enough to live at home? Are you going to commute? Are you living on campus? What are the living or transportation expenses that you will have? There are a lot of things to consider.

Well, I hope this helped some of you! Feel free to write me a comment tell me where it got it! :)

1 comment:

  1. Actually that's not how the college system works in ontario... you can apply for as many programs as you want it is not the same rules as university applications... i applied for both two years ago
